LifeWatch ERIC is a distributed research infrastructure consortium composed of eight European Union Member States. LifeWatch ERIC’s members operate from national nodes, known as Distributed Centres, while its Common Facilities are located in three Member States: Spain (Statutory Seat & ICT-Core), Italy (Service Centre) and the Netherlands (vLab & Innovations Centre).
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Common Facilities
Distributed Centres
LifeWatch ERIC relies on a multi-level governance model to ensure effective decision-making, smooth management, scientific soundness and transparency of processes.
Statutory & Subsidiary Bodies
The infrastructure includes two main Statutory Bodies to carry out these functions: the General Assembly and the Executive Board. These are supported by four Subsidiary Bodies: the Scientific and Technical Advisory Board (STAB), the In-Kind Contribution Committee (IKCC), the Financial Committee (FINCOM), and the ad-hoc Evaluation Committee.
Click on each denomination to see all Chairpersons, Vice Chairpersons and members, and some relevant information such us their email addresses and bios.
The General Assembly is the highest governing body, in charge of the overall direction and supervision of infrastructure activities.
The Executive Board is responsible for day-to-day management, ensuring the consistency, coherence and stability of infrastructure services and coordination between the Common Facilities and Distributed Centres.
The Scientific and Technical Advisory Board (STAB) is a subsidiary body of LifeWatch ERIC. It provides recommendations on the scientific, technical and ethical quality of the LifeWatch ERIC activities.
The In-Kind Contribution Committee (IKCC) is a subsidiary body of LifeWatch ERIC. It addresses matters related to in-kind contributions, it carries out the valuation of in-kind contributions.
The Financial Committee (FINCOM) provides recommendations to the General Assembly in relation to LifeWatch ERIC financial management and adherence to the Financial Rules. It is composed of representatives appointed by the General Assembly.
Policy and Internal Rules
Following the Recommendation of the General Assembly, a set of policies and internal rules have been developed to ensure the smooth functioning of LifeWatch ERIC.
All LifeWatch ERIC Policies and Internal Rules are listed below.
Please note that documents stored under the Public tab are freely accessible, while those stored under Restricted Access are reserved.
Please note that access to the documents listed below is restricted, therefore the links will only open if you are logged in with your LwOS account and have the necessary permissions.
- Rules of Procedures of the General Assembly of LifeWatch ERIC
- Implementing Rules for in-kind contributions
- Rules of procedure for the scientific and technical advisory board
- LifeWatch ERIC Financial Rules
- LifeWatch ERIC ad-Hoc Evaluation Committee: LifeWatch ERIC ad-hoc Evaluation Committee Terms of Reference
Research Infrastructures are facilities, resources and services that are used by research communities to conduct research and foster innovation in their fields. They include: major scientific equipment (or sets of instruments), knowledge-based resources such as collections, archives and scientific data, e-Infrastructures, such as data and computing systems and communication networks, and any other tools that are essential to achieve excellence in research and innovation.
The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) is a specific legal form that facilitates the establishment and operation of Research Infrastructures with European interest. Advantages:
- A legal capacity recognised in all EU countries;
- Flexibility to adapt to specific requirements of each infrastructure;
- A faster process than creating an international organisation;
- Exemptions from VAT and excise duty.
LifeWatch ERIC is the e-Science and Technology European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research that:
- Establishes and operates the infrastructure and information systems necessary to mobilise and integrate data and algorithms for biodiversity and ecosystem research, including enhancing understanding, linkages and synergies with other societal challenges such as climate change adaptation and mitigation, and to provide analytical capabilities;
- Provides access to data collected by science at a global level and offers ICT services, tools, storage capacity and computational power, to transform information into new knowledge;
- Connects and brings together physical observatories, research centres and scientific communities into a single web space accessible to all; in doing so
- Offers researchers and stakeholders wherever they are, regardless of their access to funding and facilities, the resources to enact their own innovative scientific approach; and
- Empowers citizens to engage with science and contribute to their own well-being and survival.
The core structural components are the three Common Facilities, serving the entire ERIC and responsible for the implementation, coordination and management of all activities:
- Statutory Seat and ICT e-Infrastructure Technical Office (SSO, ICT-Core), Seville, Spain;
- Service Centre (SC), Lecce, Italy;
- Virtual Lab and Innovation Centre (VLIC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Distributed Centres are facilities that are hosted by Member States, and coordinate national contributions to the consortium.
- Member States of the European Union;
- Associated Countries;
- Other Third Countries;
- Intergovernmental Organisations.
Members have the right to:
- Participate and vote in the General Assembly (contributing to the definition of strategic objectives and implementation plans);
- Access information and services provided by LifeWatch ERIC;
- Benefit from any other rights mentioned in the Statutes or included in the Implementing Rules.
Observers have the right to:
- Attend the General Assembly without any voting
- Let their research communities participate in LifeWatch ERIC events, such as workshops, conferences, training courses at preferential rates, space permitting;
- Let their research communities have access to support from LifeWatch ERIC in developing relevant systems, processes and services.
- Be part of a highly specialised European Research Infrastructure Consortium;
- Aggregate and organise national scientific communities working on biodiversity and ecosystems, maximising their visibility and impact;
- Use the LifeWatch ERIC brand to promote national outcomes and initiatives;
- Be included in European and national roadmaps and Smart Specialisation Strategies;
- Have access to dedicated European, national and regional programmes and funding schemes;
- Have access to technology, innovation and knowledge through collaboration on the development and operation of the e-Infrastructure.
LifeWatch ERIC full Members must:
- Support and facilitate the objectives, tasks and governance of LifeWatch ERIC;
- Identify a representing entity and maintain a National LifeWatch Support Committee to promote adoption of relevant standards in national resources and tools creation projects;
- Promote the uptake of services among scientific communities and researchers of different biodiversity-related areas of knowledge, including ecosystem science and bioinformatics, and gather providers’ and users’ input and feedback;
- Commit financially towards a common budget: In Cash Contribution (15%) and In Kind Contribution (85%);
- Support any other activity agreed within the framework of LifeWatch ERIC resulting from the Statutes or Implementing Rules;
- Maintain their membership until the end of the five-year period in force at the moment of their accession.
Observers do not have any financial commitment.
To apply for membership a letter must be written to the Chair of the General Assembly. This letter should be supported by an Annex in which the applying Member State, Associated Country, Other Third Country or Intergovernmental Organisation must state clearly what they can offer to LifeWatch ERIC and what they expect from it, based on each of its three essential components (open access data, reproducible analytics and mobilised communities).