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LifeWatch Italy
- LifeWatchIT
- lifewatchitalia[at]
- +39 08 32 29 48 18
at University of Salento
via prov. Lecce Monteroni sn,
73100 Lecce, Italy
Italy is one of the founders of LifeWatch-ERIC and hosts its Service Centre. LifeWatch-ERIC has always been strongly supported by the national scientific community, as well as regional and national institutions, since Italy is a biodiversity hotspot in Europe, with more than 57,400 animal and 6,500 plant species. Italian landscapes and protected areas are natural laboratories for biodiversity and ecosystem research.
The LifeWatch Italy webportal provides a networking interface for the biodiversity and ecosystem community, offering learning and training opportunities, semantic resources and data, ICT services & VREs, supporting research activities and science-based policy-making.
The Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) and the National Research Council (CNR) lead the Italian contribution to LifeWatch-ERIC and the activities of its national node, in close cooperation with the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection.
Organised as a Joint Research Unit (JRU), LifeWatch Italy is coordinated by the department of Earth system science and environmental technologies of the CNR. The General Assembly and the Coordination and Management committees oversee its governance.
The JRU counts among its many members the most important institutions active in the domain, including the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (Castelporziano Presidential Estate), the National Academy of Sciences, the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, as well as many universities, regional agencies and private bodies (please see here for the full list of members).
LifeWatch-ITA, as a National Support Committee, contributes to the construction and operation of the infrastructure via its e-Biodiversity Research Institute and ICT Working Group, seeking to reinforce integrated scientific research into biodiversity and ecosystems by:
- Implementing semantic resources, such as controlled vocabularies and ontologies, to support interoperability among different data infrastructures (Thesauri, gazetteer);
- Making data & metadata accessible, interpretable and reusable over time ensuring the transparency, reproducibility and sustainability of scientific research results (Data Portal);
- Providing ICT Services for the study of biodiversity and ecosystems and cooperation in VREs dedicated to major scientific issues (e.g. Alien Species, Phytoplankton)
- Supporting Citizen Science & Education with ICT services, applications, platforms, and learning environments, combined with gaming resources specifically designed for students (LW for Schools).
To find out more, please visit
FAIR-IMPACT focuses on expanding FAIR solutions across the EOSC, identifying proven domain solutions and facilitating the interoperable uptake of these solutions across scientific domains and for different types of research output. This includes the overall FAIRification of various research objects from assigning and managing identifiers, describing them with shared and common semantics to making them interoperable and reusable. The project’s ambition is to build a web of FAIR data and related services together with relevant stakeholder groups, and to take steps towards realising the web of Open Science. It will contribute to transforming the way researchers share and exploit research outputs within and across research disciplines, and to the facilitation of scientific multi-disciplinary cooperation, improving public trust and reproducibility in science.
ENVRIplus is a Horizon2020 project bringing Environmental & Earth System Research Infrastructures, projects & networks together with technical specialist partners to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures across Europe.
The ECOPOTENTIAL project focuses its activities and pilot actions on a targeted set of internationally recognised protected areas (PA) in Europe, European Territories and beyond, including mountain, arid and semi-arid, and coastal and marine ecosystems. Building on the knowledge gained in individual PAs, ECOPOTENTIAL addresses cross-scale ecological interactions and landscape-ecosystem dynamics at regional to continental scales, using geostatistical methods and the emerging novel approaches in Macrosystems Ecology.
LifeWatch PLUS was designed to optimise the national biodiversity and ecosystem research community's involvement within LifeWatch-ITA, reinforce the National Distributed Institute on Biodiversity Research, and so to increase the Italian contribution within LifeWatch ERIC.
MEDCIS project is a follow-up of the previous two calls from DG Environment that dealt with Joint Monitoring proposals and assistance on the Member States to develop Action Plans for Integrated Monitoring Programmes, Programmes of Measures and Data Management, under the obligations of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
The key objectives of this project are: 1) to facilitate and provide the methodological standards for the next phase of MSFD, towards coordinated approaches between MSs, by reviewing, comparing, selecting and adapting appropriate existing methodologies; 2) to focus on Mediterranean regional/subregional cooperation and standardisation, taking in consideration its specificities and therefore recommend suitable approaches for this region.
The project "Improving governance, management and sustainability of rural and coastal protected areas and contributing to the implementation of the Natura 2000 provisions in IT and GR" with the acronym "BIG" is implemented in the framework of the cross-border European Territorial Cooperation Programme INTERREG IV "Greece-Italy 2007-2013".