The European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB), organised by the Europe Section of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB), was held in Bologna from 17 to 21 June 2024. The Congress aimed to facilitate the exchange of conservation science and nature conservation practice and policy to promote the conservation of biological diversity in Europe.
The 7th ECCB focused on achieving a biodiversity-positive status by 2030. This theme presents a positive message and a call to action towards conserving biodiversity. Despite the challenges, new protected areas were established, carbon emissions were reduced, and there is a growing awareness of biodiversity’s importance for survival.
LifeWatch ERIC joined the conference, contributing to its scientific programme and engaging with participants and researchers from Europe and beyond, thanks to its exhibition booth. Cristina Di Muri and Flavio Monti (CNR/LifeWatch Italy) presented two contributions, “Harnessing FAIR biodiversity data and services to assess incidence and habitat vulnerability to non-indigenous species in Italy” and “Enhancing biodiversity conservation analysis through data harmonization” respectively. In parallel, LifeWatch ERIC booth proved to be a valuable means to engage with over 150 representatives of the community of Conservation Biologists gathered at the event, illustrating its offer of services and science tools and understanding their needs for ICT resources, thanks to the dedicated survey administered at LifeWatch ERIC stand.
Moreover, the booth provided the opportunity to present LifeWatch ERIC’s key projects, e.g. the project Marine SABRES – Marine Systems Approaches for Biodiversity Resilience and Ecosystem Sustainability. LifeWatch ERIC illustrated Marine SABRES approaches for managing the many activities and pressures on the marine environment while presenting its user-friendly framework called a simple ‘socio-ecological system’ or ‘Simple SES’, designed and developed with the active participation of local stakeholders to make marine management clearer and more effective.
The stand was an important occasion to show some videos realised by LifeWatch Italy Multimedia Production Centre in the framework of documentary activities; research aims and results achieved so far were also presented with the help of project brochures.
Overall, the European Congress of Conservation Biology provided a platform for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and collaborate toward achieving a sustainable future. By working together and taking action, we can make significant progress in conserving Earth’s biodiversity and achieving a positive biodiversity world by 2030.
For more information about the project, visit Marine SABRES official website: www.marinesabres.eu
Watch our documentary trailer on LifeWatching WebTV platform: www. lifewatching.tv/tv-show/marine-sabres/
Further details about the event can be found on the official website: www.eccb2024.eu