ALL-Ready Regional Workshop


Seville, Spain, 2 November 2022.

The ALL-Ready project is organising an interactive regional workshop on “Accelerating Agroecology Transition: Your potential role and benefits of contributing to a European network of Living Labs and Research Infrastructures”

Time: 2 November 2022, from 13.30 pm to 18 pm CET (including small lunch)
Organisers: José Manuel Ávila (LifeWatch ERIC) and Bastian Goldel (INRAE)
Venue: : LifeWatch ERIC ICT-Core Office, Cartuja Science and Technology Park, Seville, Spain

Description of the All-Ready Regional Workshop:

The European Partnership under Horizon Europe for Accelerating Farming Systems Transition by Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures is currently being prepared by the SCAR Agroecology Strategic Working Group. The two European projects ALL-Ready and AE4EU support the European Commission in preparing this partnership and work closely together with the SCAR Strategic Working group.

The partnership aims to support a European network of living labs and research infrastructures that will accelerate the transition towards agroecology throughout Europe. It will provide spaces for long-term, site-specific, multi-stakeholder and real-life experimentation, and direction for research activities on agroecology at the European and national levels.

One of our main goals is to map the work of agroecology initiatives (including living labs and research infrastructures) that support the transition towards agroecology across Europe. In our workshop it is foreseen to:

  1. explain to the participants the aims and outcomes of the ALL-Ready project including the pilot network, as well as the future network and partnership in which LLs and RIs are planned to play a central role. This helps to make people aware or even get on board of what is happening in the upcoming years, but also to illustrate how ALL-Ready is involved in accelerating the transition.
  2. we will test our developed questionnaire with the participants and initiatives to reflect on the extent to which their organisations are involved in the agroecology transition (maturity), and discuss possible activities that could be accelerated in a network of living labs and research infrastructures.

This will give us interesting insights on common understandings, focuses, problems and difficulties that initiatives are facing in the transition process. Hence, we want to debate possible solutions to overcome these obstacles, and also how a future European network could contribute to that.

The session is addressed to:

  • Researchers & academics
  • Living Lab representatives and practitioners
  • Innovators
  • Others, namely: Every participant of an initiative related to the agroecology transition

Participants of the workhop include: Consolación Vera Sánchez, Secretary General of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of the Junta de Andalucía; José Carlos Álvarez Martín, Managing Director of the Agricultural and Fisheries Management Agency of Andalusia (AGAPA); Juan Miguel González Aranda, Technological Director of LifeWatch ERIC and of the Spanish Technical Headquarters; Heather McKhann, Coordinator of ALL-Ready from the National Institute for Research in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), a French institution with headquarters in Paris; Muriel Mambrini-Doudet, INRAE ​​researcher, and José Manuel Ávila, Coordinator of the Agroecology Area at LifeWatch ERIC.


The Bulgarian National Distributed Centre is represented by the  Agricultural University-Plovdiv.

To know more about how Bulgaria contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.


The Spanish National Distributed Centre is supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Guadalquivir River Basin Authority (Ministry for Ecological Transition-MITECO). Moreover, Spain is the hosting Member State of LifeWatch ERIC, the location of its Statutory Seat & ICT e-Infrastructure Technical Office (LifeWatch ERIC Common Facilities). 

To know more about how Spain contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.


The Slovenian National Distributed Centre is led by the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). It focuses on the development of technological solutions in the field of biodiversity and socio-ecosystem research.

To know more about how Slovenia contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.


The Portuguese National Distributed Centre is managed by PORBIOTA, the Portuguese e-Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity. Led by BIOPOLIS/CIBIO-InBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, PORBIOTA connects the principal Portuguese research institutions working in biodiversity.

To know more about how Portugal contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.


The Dutch National Distributed Centre is hosted by the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam. Moreover, The Netherlands hosts one of the LifeWatch ERIC Common Facilities, the Virtual Laboratory and Innovation Centre.

To know more about how The Netherlands contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.


The Italian National Distributed Centre is led and managed by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and is coordinated by a Joint Research Unit, currently comprising 35 members. Moreover, Italy hosts one of the LifeWatch ERIC Common Facilities, the Service Centre.

To know more about how Italy contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.


The Greek National Distributed Centre is funded by the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Technology and is coordinated by the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, in conjunction with 47 associated partner institutions.

To know more about how Greece contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.


The Belgian National Distributed Centre makes varied and complementary in-kind contributions to LifeWatch ERIC. These are implemented in the form of long-lasting projects by various research centres and universities distributed throughout the country and supported by each respective political authority.

To know more about how Belgium contributes to LifeWatch ERIC, please visit our dedicated webpage.