22nd Italian Ornithology Conference

CISO (Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici), University of Salento and the Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems of the National Research Council (CNR-IRET), LifeWatch Italy and Or.Me. organise the 22nd Italian Ornithology Conference. The conference will gather ornithologists and natural science enthusiasts together in Lecce, a first edition for the Apulia region in more than 40-year history of ornithology conferences.

Participants are invited to submit proposals for congress, which will take place from 8 to 12 September 2025.

This opportunity is designed to enable everyone to propose topics of their own particular interest or general relevance. Any symposium should therefore focus on a well-defined topic that could appeal to a wider audience than just specialists in the field.

More details here: https://www.lifewatchitaly.eu/en/22-convegno-italiano-di-ornitologia
Submission deadline: 10 February 2025

The European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics


Brussels, Belgium

ENDORSE 2025 is the third edition of the European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics, taking place in Brussels on 8 and 9 October. The conference brings together experts, researchers and professionals, acting as a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and best practices on the management of interoperable reference data and semantic technologies.

The Publication Office of the European Union and Interoperable Europe, as organisers of the event supported by the Digital Europe Programme, have opened the possibility to participants to share their insights and research on reference data, semantic technologies and artificial intelligence.

Proposals are accepted by 29 January 2025, on four different topics aimed at “Transforming Data into Action across Borders”.

For details on the event and call for proposals, please visit: https://op.europa.eu/it/web/endorse

EGU General Assembly 2025

EGU 2025

Vienna, Austria

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe, fostering geoscience research, alongside applied research that addresses key societal and environmental challenges. The EGU’s vision is to realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet.

Every year, the EGU organises its General Assembly: a large event, attracting geoscientists from all over the world (in 2004, over 21,000 attended the meeting). The sessions cover a wide range of topics, including volcanology, planetary exploration, the Earth’s internal structure and atmosphere, climate, as well as energy and resources.

The EGU General Assembly aims to provide a forum for scientists and early career researchers to present their work and discuss their idea with experts.

In 2025, the GA will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 27 April to 2 May 2025, and LifeWatch ERIC is proud to attend, representing ENVRI-Hub NEXT in the ENVRI Community Booth.

Jacco Konjin, from LifeWatch ERIC’s Virtual Laboratory and Innovations Centre (Netherlands), will co-organise the session ESSI2.2, “Powering Environmental Research: Success Stories of Collaboration and Data Sharing Across Disciplines“.

The session has the objective to gather real-world examples from environmental and climate research across multi- and interdisciplinary domains, data product developers, data sciences and engineers.

Contributions to the session are welcome, presenting aspects of data analytics, visualisation, data collection and quality control from data-driven research, as well as use cases and innovative projects.

For more information on the session and abstracts submission see: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU25/session/52080)

FAIR Training second edition

FAIR Data Training

EMBRC Belgian partners (VLIZ and the University of Ghent) are organising the second edition of a three-day training course on FAIR data. The course is especially relevant for marine scientists, biodiversity scientists and laboratory technicians that are interested in enhancing their skills in managing research data and applying FAIR principles to them.

The course details are available here: https://www.embrc.eu/newsroom/events/fair-training-2nd-edition-how-embrc-helping-researchers-make-most-their-data

LifeWatch Flanders advisory board & open session on Corporate Biodiversity Reporting

corporate biodiversity reporting

As part of the LifeWatch Flanders advisory board, LifeWatch Belgium organises a session around Corporate Biodiversity Reporting.

The event explores private companies’ relationship with biodiversity data, tackling some of the difficulties these realities face, such as understanding what data is available, what requirements research infrastructures should take into account for this stakeholder, and possible bottlenecks in the use of such data.

The session aims at bridging these gaps and offers an overview of potential tools and services that biodiversity infrastructures, governmental institutes and NGOs can provide.

More information available on the LifeWatch Belgium website: https://www.lifewatch.be/event/lifewatch-flanders-advisory-board-open-session-corporate-biodiversity-reporting

ANERIS Second Annual Meeting

ANERIS Second Annual Meeting

Seville, Spain

In occasion of the ANERIS Second Annual Meeting, the project consortium is meeting in Seville, Spain, hosted at LifeWatch ERIC’s premises in Plaza de España to evaluate the project progress, discuss the next steps and align on the ongoing activities.

ANERIS (https://www.lifewatch.eu/ANERIS) stands for “operAtional seNsing lifE technologies for maRIne ecosystemS”, and proposes a co-design framework to develop the next generation of scientific instrumentation tools and methods for sensing marine-life (with the approach of Operational Marine Biology (OMB).

These results can benefit academia, industry, civil society and government; moreover, the consortium will develop a training program for the operation and use of these solutions, in particularly within the research infrastructures staff.

If you want to learn more about ANERIS developments, the project is also organising a workshop, split in two sessions, on “Underwater imaging, Bio-Optics, and Participatory technologies”, on 2nd and 4th December 2024.

This event is open to all researchers, technology developers, users, citizens and stakeholders from the broader scientific and technical community interested in advancing the field of marine science.

You can find more information here: https://www.lifewatch.eu/events/aneris-workshop-on-bioimaging or on the ANERIS website: https://aneris.eu

ANERIS Workshop on Underwater Imaging, Bio-optic and Participatory Technologies

ANERIS workshop


After a very successful workshop on AI basics for image analysis, Euro-BioImaging and its nodes (France Bioimaging and Israel Bioimaging), are excited to announce the organisation of a new series of ANERIS workshop sessions on December 2nd and 4th, 2024, focused on Underwater imaging, Bio-Optics, and Participatory technologies developed within the ANERIS Project (https://www.lifewatch.eu/ANERIS).

Experts from Euro-Bioimaging, the University of Haifa, France-BioImaging, and members of the ANERIS consortium will lead participants through sessions exploring the various technologies and tools developed within the ANERIS project.

This event is open to all researcherstechnology developersuserscitizens and stakeholders from the broader scientific and technical community interested in advancing the field of marine science.

 Visit Euro-BioImaging website for more information and the agenda: https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/events/aneris-workshop-2-underwater-imaging-bio-optic-and-participatory-technologies

Register here: https://embl-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJModeuhqj4qGNfM9Omc2plO1L8W-RcIGRKO#/registration

Science Day 2024: Hight-T at Sea

ostend marine station event

Ostend, Belgium

The Marine Station Ostend of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), will be open for visits on Sunday, 24 November 2024, in celebration of the Belgian Science Day 2024. This will be a unique opportunity for anyone interested in marine research, to explore the institution and even step aboard a marine research vessel.

The objective of the event, called “High-T at sea”, is to highlight the high-tech progress of marine research, with a dense agenda including highlights such as ocean digital twins, interactive digital experience labs, and activities for children, including building their own periscope.

LifeWatch Belgium will be present as well, to showcase cutting-edge technological innovations. Additionally, children will be able to participate in the WoRMS sea creature scavenger hunt. There’s something for everyone!

The full programme (in Dutch) is available here: https://www.vliz.be/en/events/science-day-2024-high-t-sea

EOSC Winter School 2025

EOSC Winter School 2025

Sevilla, Spain

EOSC Focus supports the co-programmed EOSC Partnership in delivering its mission of establishing Open Science across the European Union.

As part of its mandate, in response to collaboration needs among Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects, EOSC Focus organises the EOSC Winter School since last year. The second edition will take place in the week of 20 January 2025, in Seville, Spain.

This event was conceptualised following a suggestion at the European Commission’s June 2023 coordination meeting, which identified a significant collaboration gap in the Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects.

Stay tuned for updates on the EOSC Association website: https://eosc.eu/events/eosc-winter-school-2025/

Eleventh CoP online meeting: Technical Tools to improve the efficiency of RIs staff

technical tools


Organised by the RitrainPlus consortium on 15 November (from 12:00 to 13:00), the event is part of a series of meetings dedicated to the project’s Community of Practice. The focus will be on research infrastructure staff, and it will feature Cristina Huertas-Olivares (International Initiatives & Projects Manager) and Joaquin Lopez Lerida (Data e-Science Management Plan & BlockChain Officer), both from the LifeWatch ERIC Statutory Seat and ICT-Core offices in Spain, that will moderate and present during the session. 

The goal of the meeting is to promote the efficiency of distributed Research Infrastructures, through highly practical activities: attendants will be presented with a suite of digital tools to enhance their daily workflow.

The Zoom link of the meeting is available on the Ritrain Plus dedicated page: https://ritrainplus.eu/2024/10/14/next-cop-online-meeting-technical-tools-to-improve-the-efficiency-of-ris-staff/