Rome, 27-29 May 2019
LifeWatch ERIC is organising its first Scientific Community Meeting, aiming at gathering the scientific Community of scientists and developers to trigger and boost the discussion on the most promising lines of development of science on three key themes: a) Biodiversity and Ecosystem Theory; b) Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning and Services; c)Data Analysis, Modelling and Disruptive Technologies.
At the same time, LifeWatch ERIC wants to identify the major gaps in the scientific knowledge to be addressed in the next five to ten years, highlighting the key societal challenges that biodiversity and ecosystem science is required to address, proposing nature-based approaches to natural resource managers and decision makers.
Plenaries will be followed by Working sessions, with the more practical aim to promote the involvement of the user communities in LifeWatch ERIC; and collect from them clear indications of their needs, in terms of services and VRE developments, to facilitate and support their research activity. For more information, please find attached the programme of the meeting.
More information is available on the minisite: