LifeWatch at CNRxEXPO

Italian version below

In the framework of EXPO2015, the Italian National Research Council promotes a series of initiatives, among those the event “Ecosystems and Biodiversity: the Italian research for citizens“, which will be held in Milan on 29 July 2015. The event is co-organised by the LTER – Italia network and LifeWatch-ITA, which will present their own activities and how they are adressing citizens.

The presentation of the “LTER Routes“, paths which will connect the LTER-Italia research sites among themselves in a sustainable way – on foot, by bike and through public transport –, a chance to discover our country, its richness and ecological fragility, offering participants the opportunity to be involved into science initiatives and projects and environmental analysis.

We are preparing three routes among the sites, which will take place between July and August: “Mesothalassia“, a bicycle route from the Adriatic coast in Molise to the Gulf of Naples (28 June–7 July); the “Biodiversity adventure“, a four day walking route from Monte Velino to Gran Sasso, starting on 29 July and directly connected to the EXPO2015 event; the “Pink … blue … green!” an eco-relay through the LTER sites from Monte Rosa to Lago Maggiore”, a route combining on foot and public transports (23–30 August 2015).

The activities are organised on voluntary basis and are non-profit.

You will find more information on the three routes on the LTER-Italia’s network website ( ; and on the Facebook pages of the LTER network and the Mesothalassia Route. 

Should you wish to join any of the three routes, as researcher or walker/biker, please contact the Secretary of the LTER Network ( as soon as possible.


Nell’ambito di EXPO2015-Milano, il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, nel suo ruolo di Advisor Scientifico, promuove una serie di iniziative, fra cui l’evento “Ecosistemi e Biodiversità: la Ricerca al servizio dei cittadini”, che si svolgerà il pomeriggio (14.30-17.30) del 29 Luglio a EXPO – Padiglione Italia.

L’evento è co-organizzato da LifeWatch Italia e dalla Rete LTER – Italia, che presenteranno, in modo molto divulgativo, le proprie attività, con particolare riferimento a come queste si orientino alle  esigenze e alle richieste dei cittadini.
Caratterizzerà la giornata EXPO la presentazione dei “Cammini LTER”, percorsi fra i siti della rete LTER-Italia, di cui trovate informazioni e aggiornamenti sul sito della rete LTER-Italia.

Vi invitiamo tutti a partecipare all’evento del 29 luglio, assemblea che si svolgerà su due giorni, di cui il primo è l’evento Expo stesso, il secondo è l’assemblea “tecnica” di LTER-Italia, riservata ai membri della rete).

Vi informiamo infine che, per l’evento del 29 luglio, abbiamo a disposizione biglietti di entrata a EXPO a un prezzo ridotto, fino a esaurimento (e con priorità per i colleghi delle reti LTER e di LifeWatch).

R_Vlab pres in Ecodar

The R Virtual Laboratory was presented to the participants of the Ecodar summer school in Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece, on July the 11th, 2015.

This is a primary component of the LifeWatchGreece project, under development in the context of the LifeWatch ESFRI project. The audience consisted of students, researchers, academicians, environmental managers and policy makers from many countries around the world.