LW-ITA joins the O.S.D.

The 21st of June 2014 LifeWatch-ITA to the Ocean Sampling Day (OSD). The chosen sampling site was Naples’ one (identified as OSD4), the long term station of MareChiara, LTER-MC located 2 miles away from Naples, about 75m depth.
In this occasion, it was sample superficial waters, hydrology, organic and inorganic nutrients, POC, spectro-fluometric analysis of the phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton pigment spectrum, primary production, photosynthetic performance (14C and variable fluorescence), specific composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton.

Outcomes of the Crete Technical Meeting

A LifeWatch marine technical meeting was held in the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (Crete, Greece) from 3–5 June. The meeting was attended by participants of national LifeWatch projects from Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden, Belgium and the EU funded projects BIOVEL, MicroB3, VIBRANT and EMODNet.