5th ENVRI Week

LifeWatch ERIC is hosting the 5th edition of the ENVRI week, that will be held at the University of Malaga (Spain) between 6 – 10 November. It is an event fully dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).

ENVRI week is organised twice a year, in November and in May. It hosts ENVRIplus project related sessions as well as several other sessions targeting different groups of stakeholders. This week will include a special workshop from ESFRI environmental working group, in respect to European landscape of research infrastructures.

ENVRIplus is a Horizon 2020 project bringing together environmental and earth system research infrastructures, projects and networks together with technical specialist partners to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures across Europe. ENVRIplus has 37 partners from 13 European countries.

This project is organised around six themes: Technical innovation; Data for science; Access to research infrastructures; Societal relevance & understanding; Knowledge transfer; and Communication & dissemination.

More info available on ENVRIplus website.

LifeWatch ERIC meeting RIs

LifeWatch-ERIC team has been working hard to build and reinforce connections with other key actors in the research infrastructure landscape.

In particular, LifeWatch-ERIC participated to EMSO ERIC all regions Workshop (Rome, 09-11/10/2017), EMBRC Worgking Group on e-Infrastructures (Paris, 18/10/2017) and ASSEMBLE PLUS kick-off meeting (Paris, 19-20/10/2017) to present the newly born research infrastructure on biodiversity and ecosystem research, its products and services, its construction priorities and main scientific directions, as well as the topics of mutual development with the other infrastructures and projects.

Many of the links emerging from these events starting from the common goals of the actors involved, such as the mapping of both scientific and technical challenges, the drawing of the directions for mutual development and as well as interoperability of services and data.

Have a look to the presentation here attached to know more about us.