ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on the Socio-Economic Impact of ERICs
Home | Events | Policymakers | ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on the Socio-Economic Impact of ERICs
Online, 29 April 2022.
The ERIC Forum Policy Seminar on the Socio-Economic Impact (SEI) of ERICs will be held online on 29 April 2022. It will bring together the ERICs community with their national, European and International stakeholders and collaborators to pave the way towards evaluating Research Infrastructures’(RIs) full value and contribution to resilient knowledge-based economies.
The objectives of the ERIC Forum Policy Seminar are to:
- Showcase the diversity of ERICs and their impact (both at an individual level as well as their contributions to tackling societal challenges through, for example: EU Missions, Green and Digital Transitions, ERA Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Present the findings from the ERIC Forum Survey on the SEI assessment practices of ERICs, followed by case studies of SEI assessment by ERICs belonging to different clusters during different phases of their lifecycle,
- Engage with the relevant ERIC national and EU stakeholders as well as cross-sectoral user communities, taking into consideration their perspectives,
- Propose joint recommendations on how capturing the diversity, value and impact of ERICs can be supported.
All Research Infrastructures are invited to participate and share their views with the participating stakeholders including national, regional and EU funding bodies, policy-making entity(s), cross-sectoral users as well as relevant projects and entities working on RI SEI assessment methodologies.
This Seminar shall be held virtually from 09:00 – 13:00 CEST.