BioDT Webinar on digital modelling for nature protection

BioDT Webinar


The Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) project offers advanced simulation and prediction models to tackle critical global biodiversity challenges, addressing complex biodiversity dynamics through practical use cases. LifeWatch ERIC is part of this impressive consortium of 22 partners, all working together to drive evidence-based solutions for biodiversity protection and restoration across Europe.

On 27 February, the project members will host a webinar dedicated to the role of Digital Twins in environmental protection: experts from leading Digital Twins initiatives will gather together to discuss how technologies such as real-time monitoring and advanced simulations can be leveraged to support environmental protection and disaster response. Moreover, a cross-collaboration between these digital tools will enhance their impact, and this is the main aspect the webinar is focused on, with examples of practical applications for research institutes, environmental agencies and emergency responders.

The one-hour webinar will feature speakers from InterTwin, DT-GEO, TerraDT, ClimateDT and DestinE, and a round of interactive discussions.

Agenda and registration here:

BEeS 2025: LifeWatch ERIC Annual Conference

Heraklion, Greece

The BEeS (Biodiversity and Ecosystem eScience) Conference 2025 will gather researchers, policymakers, and experts to tackle the Triple Planetary Crisis (climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution) through eScience and European Research Infrastructures (RIs).
This year’s conference will explore synergies between LifeWatch ERIC services and emerging technologies to drive innovation for a sustainable future. The program features plenary sessions, thematic services, research presentations, and hands-on demonstrations, highlighting the crucial role of technology, data, and collaboration in
addressing global environmental challenges.
Participants will engage in discussions on biological diversity and conservation, ecological responses to climate change, biogeography, taxonomy, biodiversity monitoring, and habitat mapping. The event will also include interactive booth activities, poster presentations, and training sessions, offering insights into Virtual Research
Environments (VREs), Virtual Laboratories (vLabs), and other digital tools.
The conference welcomes researchers in biodiversity, ecosystems, and eScience, with a special focus on early-career scientists, including PhD and Master’s students. The BEeS 2025 Conference will be hosted by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology, and Aquaculture (IMBBC), in
Heraklion, Greece, from June 30 to July 3, 2025.

For more information visit:

LifeWatch Italy Conference 2025

LifeWatch Italy conference

Rome, Italy

Held in the seat of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), the LifeWatch Italy annual conference will take place in Rome on 29 and 30 January 2025: an important gathering where researchers can learn about the state-of-the-art in research and technological innovation on biodiversity and ecosystems.

The conference features sessions dedicated to the future strategy of the LifeWatch Italy research infrastructure, and interactive discussions to promote synergies with other research infrastructures and relevant projects at the national level.

More information on LifeWatch Italy website:

The European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics


Brussels, Belgium

ENDORSE 2025 is the third edition of the European Data Conference on Reference Data and Semantics, taking place in Brussels on 8 and 9 October. The conference brings together experts, researchers and professionals, acting as a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and best practices on the management of interoperable reference data and semantic technologies.

The Publication Office of the European Union and Interoperable Europe, as organisers of the event supported by the Digital Europe Programme, have opened the possibility to participants to share their insights and research on reference data, semantic technologies and artificial intelligence.

Proposals are accepted by 29 January 2025, on four different topics aimed at “Transforming Data into Action across Borders”.

For details on the event and call for proposals, please visit:

LifeWatch Flanders advisory board & open session on Corporate Biodiversity Reporting

corporate biodiversity reporting

As part of the LifeWatch Flanders advisory board, LifeWatch Belgium organises a session around Corporate Biodiversity Reporting.

The event explores private companies’ relationship with biodiversity data, tackling some of the difficulties these realities face, such as understanding what data is available, what requirements research infrastructures should take into account for this stakeholder, and possible bottlenecks in the use of such data.

The session aims at bridging these gaps and offers an overview of potential tools and services that biodiversity infrastructures, governmental institutes and NGOs can provide.

More information available on the LifeWatch Belgium website:

ANERIS Second Annual Meeting

ANERIS Second Annual Meeting

Seville, Spain

In occasion of the ANERIS Second Annual Meeting, the project consortium is meeting in Seville, Spain, hosted at LifeWatch ERIC’s premises in Plaza de España to evaluate the project progress, discuss the next steps and align on the ongoing activities.

ANERIS ( stands for “operAtional seNsing lifE technologies for maRIne ecosystemS”, and proposes a co-design framework to develop the next generation of scientific instrumentation tools and methods for sensing marine-life (with the approach of Operational Marine Biology (OMB).

These results can benefit academia, industry, civil society and government; moreover, the consortium will develop a training program for the operation and use of these solutions, in particularly within the research infrastructures staff.

If you want to learn more about ANERIS developments, the project is also organising a workshop, split in two sessions, on “Underwater imaging, Bio-Optics, and Participatory technologies”, on 2nd and 4th December 2024.

This event is open to all researchers, technology developers, users, citizens and stakeholders from the broader scientific and technical community interested in advancing the field of marine science.

You can find more information here: or on the ANERIS website:

European Mission Soil Week 2024

european mission soil week

Brussels, Belgium

LifeWatch ERIC is proud to announce its participation in the European Mission Soil Week 2024, taking place from 12 to 13 November 2024, in Brussels.

This annual event aims at promoting the Horizon Europe Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe‘ (Mission Soil) raising awareness about the crucial importance of a healthy soil for our entire future, and driving action to protect and restore our soils.

Last year, the event took place in Madrid, Spain, with over 900 participants including researchers, policymakers, land managers, and the general public.

This second edition of the Mission Soil Week will provide a platform for research and innovation on soil health, to present and discuss efforts that contribute to the Mission Soil’s objectives:

  • Generating new knowledge
  • Harmonising soil monitoring
  • Co-designing innovations and test solutions on the ground
  • Increasing societal awareness and engagement
  • Supporting the green transition in more general terms

This year, LifeWatch ERIC members will attend representing our Agroecology team, and the Horizon Europe projects SUS-SOIL and AGROECOLOGY Partnership. Xavier Rottllan-Puig (Data Management Specialist) and José Manuel Ávila (Agroecology Coordinator) will bring expertise in soil research and agroecology sustainability to this key event.

A specific side-event for Mission Soil-funded projects will include cluster meetings focused on data and knowledge management, soil indicators and monitoring, as well as communication and stakeholder engagement.

Further details about the European Mission Soil Week 2024 can be found here:

EOSC Winter School 2025

EOSC Winter School 2025

Sevilla, Spain

EOSC Focus supports the co-programmed EOSC Partnership in delivering its mission of establishing Open Science across the European Union.

As part of its mandate, in response to collaboration needs among Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects, EOSC Focus organises the EOSC Winter School since last year. The second edition will take place in the week of 20 January 2025, in Seville, Spain.

This event was conceptualised following a suggestion at the European Commission’s June 2023 coordination meeting, which identified a significant collaboration gap in the Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects.

Stay tuned for updates on the EOSC Association website:

CLIM-A: International Congress on Climate change

clim-a congress

 Cádiz, Spain

LifeWatch ERIC will attend the CLIM-A International Congress on Climate Change in Andalusia, on 23 and 24 October 2024, represented by José Manuel Ávila-Castuera, Agroecology Coordinator from our ICT-Core offices in Sevilla (Spain).

Mr. Ávila-Castuera will attend the Round Table 5, in the afternoon of 24 October, dedicated to Climate Services Research and Innovation and moderated by Ms. María López Sanchís, General Secretary of Sustainability and Environment at the Regional Government of Andalusia.

The CLIM-A congress brings together prominent leaders, experts, and environment professionals from all over the world, to discuss challenges and opportunities related to climate change, especially in Europe and in the Andalusian region.

The full agenda is available here:

Energytran: Virtual Thematic Event on the Social Impact of the Energy Transition in Ibero-America

social impact of energy transition. energytran virtual event


CSIC, project partner of the EULAC Energytran project (, is organising the second Energytran Virtual Thematic Event on October 17th and 18th. The event addresses the social pillars of energy transformation in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. Six panels, featuring experts from both regions will be held, covering various social themes.

The event starts at 4 p.m. CEST on the 17th of October, with a dense agenda until 20 p.m., tackling the social dimension of energy transition and the relation between energy transition and territorial justice in Latin America, including gender equality. With the same timeline, the following day is dedicated to industrial policy and energy transition in the Ibero-American Space, public policies and open science.

Registrations for the virtual event are available at this link: