RDA 20th Plenary Meeting

RDA Meeting

Gothenburg, Sweden, 21–23 March 2023.

The Research Data Alliance will celebrate its 10th Anniversary Plenary Meeting on 21–23 March 2023 in Sweden, going back to where RDA was launched in March 2013. Following on from the success of the 19th Plenary meeting held in a hybrid format for the first time, P20 will take place in Sweden’s second-largest city – Gothenburg.

Hosted by Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish National Data Service (SND), a three-day hybrid conference will once again bring together researchers, data scientists, policymakers, and data stewards from disciplines from all over the world to share new ideas and explore best practices in using data. 

RDA P20 will take place at the Lindholmen Conference Centre. The centre is located on the north side waterfront of the Göta Canal in Gothenburg. The venue offers a highly technological environment and opens its doors to many local and international events throughout the year. The waterfront offers breathtaking architecture with many cosy Swedish restaurants and cafes offering traditional food. The conference centre’s location in Gothenburg means that it is only a 4 minutes Älvsnabben ferry ride into the city centre.

ENVRI Week 2023

ENVRI Week 2023

Leipzig, Germany, 30 January – 3 February 2023.

ENVRI week is the annual consortium meeting of the ENVRI-FAIR project, a week dedicated to Environmental Research Infrastructures such as LifeWatch ERIC. ENVRI week 2023 will host ENVRI-FAIR project-related sessions as well as several other sessions of the Board of European Environmental Research Infrastructures (BEERi) and the ENVRI Community.

After two years of online meetings, the last ENVRI week of the ENVRI-FAIR project will be held as a face-to-face meeting in Leipzig, Germany, from 30 January to 3 February 2023. Some plenary sessions might also be streamed or recorded, butl participants are strongly encouraged to join on-site. This page is your one-stop shop for anything related to the ENVRI Week 2023 from the programme to booking your accommodation.

You can find an outline of the preliminary agenda here (pdf).
A detailed agenda for both the sessions and the workshops will be available soon.

Registration is now closed.

Remote operations of RI services and Data and access security


Online, 24–25 October 2022.

In this second workshop of the eRImote project, we will focus on Remote Operations of RI services (including quality management) and questions of Data and Access Security. The workshop will be taking place virtually on 24th October 1-5pm CEST and 25th October 2022 from 10am – 2pm CEST. We will explore the topics from the perspectives of different scientific domains and types of RI services. The workshop is open to everyone and we strongly encourage anyone interested in these topics, particularly RI and core facility staff, to join us for active discussion and sharing of experience.

The workshop will consist of short presentations from experts from different scientific domains and RIs, breakout rooms for joint discussion of solutions and challenges in the topic areas, as well as a panel discussion. This event will also be a great opportunity to learn more about the eRImote project as a whole and get connected with the community.

LifeWatch ERIC CTO, Juan Miguel-González-Aranda, will take part in the panel at 16:00 on 24 October. Agenda here.

Please register here.

2022 High-Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean

Women for the Mediterranean

The 2022 High-Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean organised by the Union for the Mediterranean will take place in the afternoon of the 26th October and throughout the 27th, in a physical format in Madrid. During the High-Level Conference, Ministers from the Union for the Mediterranean(UfM) Members States and the UfM-Co-presidencies (EU and Jordan) will be invited as well as representatives of national, regional and international stakeholders from public and private sectors including financial institutions and international donors. The recommendations gathered from the Civil Society organizations will certainly be taken on board during the discussions. LifeWatch ERIC International Gender Officer, Africa Zanella, will participate as a moderator and a panellist on 27 October from 12:15–14:00 CEST.

The Conference will be preceded, on the 26th  of October 2022 by the 5th (UfM) Ministerial Conference on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society, which will gather Ministers of the 42 Member States of the UfM responsible for women affairs and gender equality.

The Conference will provide an opportunity for a further exchange of experiences, good practices and lessons learned on women empowerment and women’s rights in a regional-crisis (health, water, food and energy security) context. These discussions will also contribute to shape the Road Map for the Ministerial implementation and the regional agenda for the years to come, particularly towards an effective and inclusive gender equality policy, based on a gender transformative approach and the mobilisation of public and private actors in the region. The high-level speaker’s contribution to the discussions, taking place across the two days would be important in stepping up cooperation, focusing on implementation, concrete delivery, and monitoring of impact,while enhancing the visibility of past, on-going and future initiatives.

More information on the Union for Mediterranean website.

Sign up to watch the conference using the online form.

ALL-Ready Regional Workshop


Seville, Spain, 2 November 2022.

The ALL-Ready project is organising an interactive regional workshop on “Accelerating Agroecology Transition: Your potential role and benefits of contributing to a European network of Living Labs and Research Infrastructures”

Time: 2 November 2022, from 13.30 pm to 18 pm CET (including small lunch)
Organisers: José Manuel Ávila (LifeWatch ERIC) and Bastian Goldel (INRAE)
Venue: : LifeWatch ERIC ICT-Core Office, Cartuja Science and Technology Park, Seville, Spain

Description of the All-Ready Regional Workshop:

The European Partnership under Horizon Europe for Accelerating Farming Systems Transition by Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures is currently being prepared by the SCAR Agroecology Strategic Working Group. The two European projects ALL-Ready and AE4EU support the European Commission in preparing this partnership and work closely together with the SCAR Strategic Working group.

The partnership aims to support a European network of living labs and research infrastructures that will accelerate the transition towards agroecology throughout Europe. It will provide spaces for long-term, site-specific, multi-stakeholder and real-life experimentation, and direction for research activities on agroecology at the European and national levels.

One of our main goals is to map the work of agroecology initiatives (including living labs and research infrastructures) that support the transition towards agroecology across Europe. In our workshop it is foreseen to:

  1. explain to the participants the aims and outcomes of the ALL-Ready project including the pilot network, as well as the future network and partnership in which LLs and RIs are planned to play a central role. This helps to make people aware or even get on board of what is happening in the upcoming years, but also to illustrate how ALL-Ready is involved in accelerating the transition.
  2. we will test our developed questionnaire with the participants and initiatives to reflect on the extent to which their organisations are involved in the agroecology transition (maturity), and discuss possible activities that could be accelerated in a network of living labs and research infrastructures.

This will give us interesting insights on common understandings, focuses, problems and difficulties that initiatives are facing in the transition process. Hence, we want to debate possible solutions to overcome these obstacles, and also how a future European network could contribute to that.

The session is addressed to:

  • Researchers & academics
  • Living Lab representatives and practitioners
  • Innovators
  • Others, namely: Every participant of an initiative related to the agroecology transition

Participants of the workhop include: Consolación Vera Sánchez, Secretary General of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of the Junta de Andalucía; José Carlos Álvarez Martín, Managing Director of the Agricultural and Fisheries Management Agency of Andalusia (AGAPA); Juan Miguel González Aranda, Technological Director of LifeWatch ERIC and of the Spanish Technical Headquarters; Heather McKhann, Coordinator of ALL-Ready from the National Institute for Research in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), a French institution with headquarters in Paris; Muriel Mambrini-Doudet, INRAE ​​researcher, and José Manuel Ávila, Coordinator of the Agroecology Area at LifeWatch ERIC.

PTE Disruptive B2B Meeting

Online, 19 October 2022.

On 19 October at 9:30 CEST, the PTE Disruptive Online B2B Meeting will take place, featuring LifeWatch ERIC CTO Juan Miguel González Aranda. The meeting will focus on the application of disruptive technologies in the biotech sector and biodiversity.

The agenda can be found here and sign-up form can be found here (in Spanish).

Speakers include:

Maria Ángeles Ferre – AIE
Gabriel Anzaldi Varas – Eurecat – Technology Centre of Catalonia
Raquel Álvarez Fernández – Spanish Association of Biocompanies
Juan Miguel González-Aranda – LifeWatch ERIC

Use cases of Exheus, Zymvol Biomodeling SL and Honey.AI will also be discussed

PTE Disruptive is the Spanish Technological Platform for Disruptive Technologies, Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE), with funding from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain through the AIE.

Ibergrid 2022

Ibergrid 2022

Faro, 10 – 13 October 2022.

The 11th Iberian Grid Conference will take place in Faro, Portgual. LifeWatch ERIC will hold two workshops called “IBERLifeWatch: a scientific, technology and innovation communities of good practices approach“, on the Tuesday and the Thursday.

The conference will be hosted by the University of Algarve (UALG) at Campus da Penha.

IBERGRID 2022 will focus in topics related with  the development, integration quality and adoption of services, applications and digital twins to support cutting-edge research.

The call for papers is built around the following topics:

  • Cooperation between Iberian Research Communities
  • Research Applications in advanced Digital Infrastructures
  • Development of Innovative Software Services
  • R&D for computing services, networking, and data-driven science
  • Quality of software, services and data
  • Design of Digital twins
  • Enabling and fostering Open Science adoption in EOSC

Detailed Information is available at the IBERGRID 2022  Indico site.

Open Science Conference 2023

Open Science Conference 2023

Kigali, Rwanda, 23–27 October 2023.

The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Open Science Conference 2023 will bring together diverse research communities, programmes and partners to discuss the latest developments in climate science, with an emphasis on science-based information for decision making. Through hybrid workshops, public exhibits, forums, and other associated events, the conference will explore innovative ways to bridge science and society and to foster future climate science leadership.

For more information, go to the Open Science Conference website.

AGU Fall Meeting 2022

AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Chicago, Illinois/online, 12–16 December 2022.

AGU Fall Meeting is the most influential event in the world dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences. Every year, AGU Fall Meeting unites the Earth and space science community to share findings, connect like-minded scientists from around the world, and advance our profession and shared passion for the impact of science.

AGU Fall Meeting 2022 will be held in Chicago and online everywhere 12–16 December 2022. More than 25,000 attendees from more than 100 countries will convene to explore how Science Leads the Future. We will welcome a diverse community of scientists, students, journalists, policymakers, educators and organizations who are working toward a world where scientific discovery leads to scientific solutions, and where our global collaborations and partnerships can carry us into a sustainable future.

More information on important dates on the AGU website.

EU-LAC ResInfra Conference at ICRI 2022

Hybrid, 18 October 2022.

The event will take place on Thursday, 18 October 2022 from 14:00-18:00 in a hybrid format, with in-person attendance capacity and online participation spots.

The EU-LAC RESINFRA event will be the Final Conference of the project, aiming to present a summary of the most relevant conclusions and outcomes of the EU-LAC RESINFRA project as well as provide an open debate for the future EU-LAC cooperation on RI.

A proposal for a 5-year EU-LAC RIs cooperation Sustainability Plan will be presented. The plan will include recommended specific actions and instruments for co-funding RIs of common interest in order to maximise the impact of the RI collaboration in the construction of the EU-CELAC Common Research Area.

The results of this open discussion will be considered as relevant inputs for the final version of the Sustainability Plan.