Benefits of EOSC and international collaboration in service development for Finnish Academia


This event aims to gather Finnish academics to learn about the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and its impact on a national level. The program is divided into two parts. The first part will provide a comprehensive overview of EOSC and its implementation status, alongside a presentation by the University of Eastern Finland, the first Finnish research performance organization to join the EOSC Association. The second part will delve into national research services and the vital role of international collaboration in developing and implementing the EOSC vision. Lastly, attendees will learn about the FAIR-IMPACT engagement opportunities and have ample time for discussion.

To learn more, please visit this page:

ERIC Forum Annual Meeting 

Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 February 2024

The two-day ERIC Forum meeting on Feb 27th and 28th will address research infrastructure challenges. Day 1 includes a welcome, presentation of work package activities, roundtable discussion, and community discussions. Day 2 has a closed ERIC Forum General Assembly, policy session, and a meeting between ERICs, EOSC-A, EC, ESFRI-EOSC Task Force, and e-RIs. The meeting offers collaboration opportunities and strategic discussions for advancing research infrastructures.

For more information, please visit this page.

Community Engagement: why it is key for Open Science and how to unleash it

Online, 23 November 2023.

Registration for the workshop is free but mandatory.

Transitioning to Open Science is complex. Studies have identified Community Engagement as one of the most effective strategies to encourage large-scale behavioural changes. However, in the context of Open Science, Community Engagement is often ignored or underestimated.

This workshop will explore the concept of Community Engagement and how it can effectively support the transition to Open Science. The focus will be on the International Network of Open Science and Scholarship Communities (INOSC), a vibrant network of 32 local hubs across 16 countries, comprising a community of over 2300 dedicated researchers committed to advancing Open Science. 

In the workshop, participants will learn about Community Engagement principles and their practical implementation in INOSC. Discussions will focus on adapting these principles to diverse contexts. Attendees will gain insights into effective techniques for their research communities. Join this exploration of Community Engagement’s power in fostering Open Science initiatives and gain practical tools to drive positive change.

To register for this workshop, please visit this page.

Documenting mapping community practices

Online, 24 November 2023.

Semantic artefacts such as ontologies, taxonomies, and metadata schema are essential for achieving data interoperability and implementing FAIR principles. However, interconnecting them becomes challenging due to their increasing number and varied uses. Ontology matching or alignment can help address this issue. To ensure the availability of mappings in relevant repositories, FAIR-IMPACT is organising a series of workshops to discuss issues around mappings and crosswalks and how they can become shareable and reusable.

In the first workshop of the series, ‘Why Mappings Matter and How to Make Them FAIR?’, participants will discover the techniques for mapping and how they could benefit more by making them FAIR. The discussion included methodologies, formats, tools, FAIR mapping requirements, and examples.

To register, visit this page.

EOSC Compliant PID Implementations – Practical Guidelines for Implementing Best Practices

Online, 21 November 2023.

The workshop aims to showcase tangible tools, policies, and advancements related to PIDs (Persistent Identifiers). The overview of PIDs within the EOSC framework will cover the PID policy, PID-related projects, and recent developments. During the workshop, the Compliance Assessment Toolkit (CAT) will be introduced, which aims to document, track, and query compliance with the EOSC PID policy and other criteria such as TRUST, FAIR principles, Reproducibility, GDPR, and Licenses.

The workshop will also demonstrate a series of research lifecycle workflows that show how PIDs can be integrated into these workflows. These workflows identify specific points where particular PIDs can enhance the FAIRness, credibility, and openness of research outputs. The workflows can also serve as guidance tools for creating more effective data management plans and drafting more explicit institutional policies.

An open forum will be held to discuss the current challenges hindering the adoption of PID solutions compliant with the EOSC PID policy, as well as potential solutions to address these issues. 

For more information and to register for this workshop, visit this page.

OntoPortal Alliance Workshop 2023

We are pleased to announce the 2nd OntoPortal Alliance Workshop in Lecce, Italy from September 27-29, 2023.

The 2023 workshop will feature 2 public (open to all interested parties) online events:

  • A virtual public session, September 27th, 16h-18h CEST will address the Ontology Development Lifecycle. This session will show examples that integrate ontology development with the OntoPortal platform, and follow with a user panel discussion—including community members using OntoPortal—and audience Q&A on the challenges and opportunities in the lifecycle and OntoPortal. Please register for this session here.
  • The FAIR-IMPACT Semantic Artefact governance workshop, September 28th, 16h30-18h30, a public workshop organized by the EOSC project FAIR-IMPACT’s T4.1 on governance and semantics. Please register for this session here.

The OntoPortal Alliance collaborators share their software and strategies for supporting research communities, and together determine the open source OntoPortal system that others can use for their own purposes. The rest of the event is restricted to the Alliance members or by invitation only

Wednesday 27


  • Short intros
  • Year in review
  • Update short presentations
  • Newcomers


  • Demonstration and new features (Bio/Agro/Eco)
  • Ontology development lifecycle
  • Tutorial
  • User panel and Q&A session

Thursday 28


  • Multilingual OntoPortal
  • Federated services 


  • Ontology versioning, diffs and historical views
  • Mappings repository and SSOM compliance
  • Documentation and training
  • Semantic artefact governance workshop

Friday 29


  • OntoPortal code management
  • Political session and governance
  • Governance of the content


  • Project proposals and funding
  • Plenary debrief and next steps

Detailed Programme



Poznań, Poland, 19–23 June 2023. 

At the annual EGI conference, international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers gather to take research and innovation in data-intensive processing and analytics forward.

  • Meet the scientific communities that are at the forefront of innovation, learn about their success cases, new requirements and solutions for data discovery, access and processing, and start new collaborations
  • Help research communities and industry joining their efforts to find common solutions to data access and data spaces
  • Meet the largest community of research cloud providers in Europe and their IT strategies
  • Learn about state of the art in scientific computing in Europe and meet a large community of cloud, High-Throughput-Computing (HTC) and High Performance Computing (HPC) providers that provide core facilities to today’s European computing infrastructures 
  • Share your achievements in cutting-edge topics from distributed computing, such as federated trust and identity, data spaces, artificial intelligence, digital twins
  • Learn about the status and future of the EOSC Compute Platform during the final event of the EGI-ACE flagship project of the EGI community
  • Stay up to date with the latest technical development in cybersecurity, scientific applications, data processing and analytics, and digital twins

Join EGI2023 for the core conference days 20–22 June.

The EGI2023 Call for Posters will remain open until 15 April – email your proposal to events[@] 

EOSC Symposium 2023

EOSC Symposium 2023

Madrid, Spain, 20–22 September 2023.

The EOSC Symposium 2023 will take place in Madrid in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event is organised by EOSC Future together with the EOSC Tripartite collaboration (the EOSC Association, the EOSC Steering Board and the European Commission).

Last year’s event, which took place in Prague on 14–17 November 2022, marked the EOSC Symposium’s return as an in-person event with over 400 participants. This year, the event will be fully hybrid, facilitating broader exchanges – in person and online – between stakeholders from ministries, policy makers, research organisations, service providers, research e-infrastructures and research communities across Europe and beyond.

You can get a glimpse of EOSC Symposium 2022 in the event recap video here.

EOSC Symposium 2023 will offer plenty of opportunities to engage with the community. A call for application will open soon at #EOSCsymposium23 website.

Stay tuned for programme and event updates soon!


EOSC Symposium 2023: Context

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an EU flagship initiative aimed at enabling Open Science practices in Europe, as codified in the 2022-2024 European Research Area Policy Agenda. It is also recognised as the science, research and innovation data space which will be fully articulated with the other sectoral data spaces defined in the European strategy for data.

EOSC will provide a federated web of FAIR data and associated services to researchers across and outside Europe. EOSC builds on existing infrastructure and services supported by the EC, Member States and research communities. It brings these together in a federated ‘system of systems’ approach, adding value by aggregating content and enabling services to be used together.

Why Mappings Matter and how to make them FAIR – A FAIR-IMPACT Workshop

FAIR Impact Mapping Workshop

Online, 13 April 2023.

Semantic artefacts  – a broader term to include ontologies, terminologies, taxonomies, thesauri, vocabularies, metadata schemas and standards – are key to achieving data interoperability and are therefore essential to the implementation of the FAIR principles. With the growing number of semantic artefacts and their diversified uses, interconnecting these artefacts becomes critical but also more challenging. To achieve interoperability and integration, one solution is to identify/generate mappings/crosswalks between different artefacts of the same domain or used to represent the same type of information. This process, known in the semantic web domain as ontology matching or ontology alignment, should be applied to the whole spectrum of semantic artefacts.

As any other type of data, we need a strategy to deal with mappings and ensure mappings are made available following the FAIR principles in relevant mapping repositories where they can be curated, integrated and rendered for reuse. Recent initiatives like the SEMAF study or the SSSOM format or the activities within the FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC projects have highlighted the needs of communities to find, access and reuse mappings and crosswalks in a machine actionable format which is not currently addressed. 

FAIR-IMPACT is starting a series of workshops to discuss issues around mappings and crosswalks and how they can become shareable and reusable, i.e. FAIR, elevating them to “first class” citizens in the FAIR data world.

The first one will take place on Thursday 13 Apr at 14:00 – 18:00 CEST.

Registration and agenda information can be found on the FAIR-IMPACT website.

Goal of the event

The 1st FAIR-IMPACT workshop of the series, ‘Why Mappings Matter and how to make them FAIR?’, will introduce participants to the motivation behind doing mappings and how they could benefit even more by making mappings FAIR. Then a series of Show and Tell presentations will take place, where use cases and practices from a range of communities –spanning domains, research infrastructures, projects, task forces, and working groups– will be presented. During this workshop, FAIR-IMPACT will also introduce The Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM) as a candidate format for defining and sharing entity mappings, considering also its pivotal role in the FAIRCORE4EOSC technical specifications.

The presentations will be followed by a collaborative work on mapping aspects, including methodologies, formats, tools, requirements for FAIR mappings and examples.

The main objective of this workshop is to define, together with different communities, the initial requirements for developing a useful framework around FAIR mappings including the requirements to adhere to the FAIR principles. 

This workshop is organised by FAIR-IMPACT and the SSSOM developer community.